Old Cajun Grandma Invitational
The UL Lafayette Club for Academic Competition will host the First Annual Old Cajun Grandma Invitational on October 22nd, 2005. The tournament will be held in C.L. Rougeau Hall and will use questions from the NAQT Invitational Series IS-54.
The fee structure is as follows:
Fee Structure
Base Fee: $65
Working buzzer system: -$10
Moderator: -$15
Traveling > 500 miles: -$10
Minimum fee per team: $40
There is currently a shortage of hotels in the Lafayette area due to the New Orleans evacuees, but as of 9/28/05, there is still hotel space available at the Ramada Inn on Kaliste Saloom. There may be other hotels with vacancies in the Lafayette area, but this is the one that we know of. If you have any problems reseving rooms, E-mail Jake Sundberg at dezhakeem@aol.com.
E-mail dezhakeem@aol.com to register. When you register, please indicate your school, number of teams, and whether or not you are bringing buzzers or moderators. If you are bringing moderators, please keep in mind that moderators will score as well as read the matches.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS (To Griffin Hall. Rougeau Hall is nearby)
Oklahoma (1)
UL Lafayette (2 or 3)
LSU (2)